
Corphish Photo

I’ve been a movie and book blogger for my own site, Weldon Witness, or weldonwitness.com since 2014 and have published over 500 reviews since, with no plans to stop. I read about 50-60 books and watch about 40-45 movies a year, giving as fair and as justifiable an opinion as I possibly can every time. I

I am also the author of The Blacktop Brothers, a novel series of five, featuring a troubled teenage girl against a fraternity family of five bigger and tougher boys and a world out to crush her. I self-published the first book when I was thirteen years old in 2012 via Trafford Publishing where I published the next two, and made Book 4 and 5 by myself using CreateSpace. The last book got self-published in October 2017. Now I am rewriting the first two books in hopes of printing all these books at a major publishing company. I also have two more series in mind.


I also do a little bit of voice acting. I taught myself basic 3D animation, and animated and starred in a project, Michael Vey: The New Member, and I voiced Zeus. I’m also the voice of Corphish in a popular Let’s Play of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.

I first studied Journalism, and then Communications, and I have a humungous passion for the entertainment industry.

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