Weldon Witness Episode 1

This is the first part of my Durham College Riot Radio show, Weldon Witness. The long title is ‘Weldon Witness: Book Worm, Film Geek and Friend’. I have as of Feb. 22, 2018, hosted 17 episodes and am going to share all of them one at a time on my e-portfolio, beginning with Episode 1.

My show stems from my entertainment reviewing experience. I have been giving online discussions about movies and novels since May 2014, and the show is a chance for me to broadcast the many experiences I’ve ‘witnessed’ in different genres. My main goal is to help reluctant readers find the book for them, as well as giving moviegoers the options for a fun night out or a heart breaker that will change their life. As of Episode 12, I’m also including video game and television (mostly cartoon) reviews. Hope you enjoy Episode 1!

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